Node.js is another interpreter that we make on servers. The choice of interpreter is possible individually for each domain served on the server. Thanks to this websites built bothbased on PHP and Node.js can be operated within one hosting service. MUST READ ON THE BLOG Synergy of operation of the non relational MongoDB database with fast Intel Optane disks on the nam.l hosting The most important advantages of Node.
for a programmer ASPNET and .NET Core technology at nazwa pl MORE INFORMATION FROM THE HELP CENTER N technology MongoDB databases What is MongoDB MongoDB is a non relational Phone Number List database. Compared to "traditional" relational databases it does not have a structured approach to data management. MongoDB supports matrices as values and searching them thanks to JSON based queries is very simple and fast. MongoDB is used in many everyday tools in combination with botand the very popular PHP language.
It is this difference in the approach to database operation that makes websites using MongoDB more efficient and faster than those based on traditional relational solutions. On the hosting the MongoDB configuration is no different from the configuration of databases such as MariaDB or PostgreSQL. Together with this database server you can use other previously used technologies especially on websites made in PHP.