The strategy is mainly based on an exchange of favors you help a website owner fix an error on his site which even if in a small way makes him look bad in the eyes of Google on the other hand you have the possibility of receiving a link in exchange as well as a thank you This is not a quick technique nor is it capable of guaranteeing a result but it is still simple to understand and put into practice and has a very very low risk component. Since you are use the broken link checker for your site you may find that you too have broken links on your website.
Scanning up to a maximum of pages per domain is free. Take advantage of the indirect approach with answers to very common questions to spread on social media answers to very common questions Reading articles online Phone Number Data by very good SEO consultants I was able to appreciate their ability to develop the topic of link building in all its aspects. For example Salvatore Capolupo SEO off page specialist in the section of his blog dedicated to this topic talks to us about the indirect approach to earning links. You can find all the details in his article but here I will briefly explain what it is.
If your audience your customers often find themselves asking Google for the answer to doubts related to your sector of expertise heres what you can do write a very comprehensive answer to a frequently asked question and publish it in an article on your site blog dont be hasty perhaps not all your potential customers have the desire and time to read but you must not allow yourself to leave out any details or your answer may not be considered exhaustive enough publish your article on all your social channels and promote it perhaps taking.